Positive green

Nestled behind sweeping sycamore trees, a natural oval form that cannot help but inspire curiosity. Product of holistic planning and consultancy: the world’s first energy positive public building.
🏢Building Details
281,100 sq. ft., across 6-storeys – with administration centre and day nursery
Completed 2017, uniting 840 employees previously spread across 16 sites
2019 Winner DGNB German Sustainable Building Council Award
Simone Ariane Pflaum – Director of Sustainability Management at Stadt Freiburg
✍️Architects & Engineers
Christoph Ingenhoven – Founder of ingenhoven associates
Bibiana Zapf – Former Project Director at ingenhoven associates
Markus Lampe – Former Senior Manager at Drees & Sommer
Generates more energy than it consumes + reacts to network requirements feeding surplus back into grid = a decentralised power plant
In line with PassivHaus standard, primary energy demand is as low as 45 kWh per sq. m. per year – 40% of comparable buildings
Energy for heating + cooling is obtained from a geothermal installation, while thermal mass activation is used for heating, individually controlled in each office
Façade features locally sourced larch wood, high-quality thermal insulation, triple glazed windows + PV cells – exploiting Freiburg’s climate as Germany’s sunniest
🥦 Wellbeing
Embodies openness, transparency + flat hierarchy: open-plan desk arrangements with variable glazed partition wall system for flexible layout
Storey-high glazed façade optimises daylight intake
Workplace advisory points are subdivided into 4 spacious rotundas – each centre formed by a circular retreat room
Incorporates a ‘green campus’ – linking Eschholz Park + the University Hospital with increased public space and verdant city square
🎈Bonus feature
This building is only the beginning. The green light has been given for the 2nd development stage – scheduled for 2024 completion – which will see additional oval buildings connected for further administrative functions, with equally enviable energy performance. Freiburg’s green belt in formation.
